What Does a Landlord Gas Safety Inspection Include?

If you are a proud owner of a property then the safety of that property and everyone in it is your responsibility. To make sure that a building is a safe place for people to live or work in there are certain rules and regulations that the property owner has to follow.

If your property is equipped with gas appliances then it is your responsibility to ensure that you take care of all the gas-related safety regulations. You have to keep up with the maintenance and get the gas safety certificate.

Gas Safety Certificate:

To get a Gas safety certificate to need to get the gas appliances and the pipework checked by an engineer who is registered by Gas Safe.

What Does Landlords’ Gas Safety Inspection Cover?

Here are some of the things that the engineer will check before deciding whether to issue a pass or fail certificate.

1. Leakage of gas is extremely dangerous, so the first step is to make sure that there is no leakage. The gas tightness of all the appliances and pipes will be checked.
2. If there are any test points available then the engineer will be checking the standing and the working pressure of the available pressure points.
3. The burner pressure will also be along with the gas rate against the data plate of the manufacturer.
4. Ventilation is critical for the safe functionality of gas appliances. The inspection includes checking whether essential ventilation is available or not.
5. The flue flow will also be checked so that they can ensure that the combustible products are getting properly removed.
6. Checking the operation of all the flame failure devices and making sure that their operation is satisfactory.
7. Checking physical stability along with effectiveness and presence of stability brackets wherever necessary.
8. It is the responsibility of the inspecting engineer to investigate even if there is a slight evidence of unsafe operation and report it to the concerned person. The appliances will not be considered safe to use until it passes all of the above-mentioned safety points.
9. To complete the Landlords Gas Safety inspection it is important to add a full system tightness test to the inspection.

After the gas safety inspection, the Landlord is provided with a report known as Landlords Gas Safety Record.

Contents of Landlords Gas Safety Record:

A complete includes the following contents.

1. Location and detailed description of every fuel check and appliance.
2. All the important information of the engineer carrying out the inspection like name, signature and registration number.
3. The date of the inspection.
4. Address of the property where the flue or the appliance was installed.
5. Address and name or the landlord or you can mention the information of landlord’s agent if appropriate.
6. If there are any defects then they will be mention in the record along with suggestions on how to fix them.
7. Confirmation of all the results of the operational checks dome on the appliances.

The Landlords Gas Safety Certificates are valid for just twelve months and they need to be renewed every year.